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The 6 Week, $3000 Challenge

April 25, 2016 2 min read 1 Comment

Joe and I purchased new daily drivers recently, both sixth generation Civics - coincidentally both in black. While mine is a 96 sedan, Joe's is a 99 coupe. I had grown a bit weary of daily driving my Corolla wagon, while a fine car - it's age was showing (35 this year) and I figured another daily would be nice, with summer coming up just the fact that my new Civic has air conditioning ensured that it would be worth every dollar. Joe and I both figured we would eventually get used to two stock black Civics being parked outside the shop, but not a week went by before a challenge was issued. We would have six weeks to turn our respective Civics into something a bit more than what Honda had intended, but we could each spend no more than $3000. It was Joe's idea - but i was aboard before either of us had even attempted to rationalize why this might be a remotely good idea. We both have other cars that are far more deserving of the attention, and any reasonable person could see that this was a bad idea from ten miles away. I like to think of it as a bit of a break, while other people may take a vacation or spend some time with their families, perhaps binge watch a Netflix show (my personal recommendation is House of Cards) to take some time away from their main money-pit, well we decided to dig ourselves another smaller pit. Well here we are, roughly a month away from the deadline - Joe has made some great progress, but i'll let him report on that. My sedan is still completely stock, save for a steering wheel (I just couldn't stand to stare at that stock grey blob any longer), but I have a little pile of parts that I've been hoarding. Only time will tell what these cars will become, we'll keep you updated so check back soon. 

1 Response


May 10, 2016

I really like Recaro seats and sparco steering wheels what do you think about putting those in my 1989 Honda Civic CRX

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